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What are the 3 Key Points of the Daily Maintenance of the Fish Ball Machine?

Dec. 07, 2020

Does it require maintenance like other machines in daily use? And will it be troublesome to maintain? Biscuit Making Machinery Suppliers will take everyone to take a look at the maintenance methods and main points of the Baoxin Fishball Machine:

Fishball Making Machine

Fishball Making Machine

First of all, the Baoxin Fish Ball Machine does not need to be refueled for maintenance within one year of normal use.

The second point is that we use butter when we maintain the fish ball machine.

The third point is that when we add butter, we must also align the position of the fuel hole. The position of the fuel hole of the fish ball machine is behind the two bolt holes on the top of the fuselage. Here again, we remind you to remember to add Butter, not ordinary liquid motor oil, otherwise it will affect the normal use of Baoxin Fish Ball.

Maintenance articles:

Under normal circumstances, the fish ball machine does not require special maintenance and maintenance. The place to pay attention is to remember to waterproof and protect the power cord during daily use. And in daily use, remember to disassemble it after using the Baoxin Fish Ball Machine, and reinstall it after the residue. The blade is a relatively easy to damage part, we need to replace it after using it for a period of time.

Our company also has Fishball Making Machine on sale, welcome to contact us.

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